
Rescaling Your Razor – Ship from Home to Our Repair Service Supply

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Rescaling Your Razor – Ship from Home to Our Repair Service

Please choose your scales in the selection. Honing is not included with this service. If you would like your razor to be shave ready when it is returned to you, please purchase our Honing Service in addition to this Rescaling Service.

If you are purchasing your own scales, not from – the scales and razor must ship together to the service in Idaho to avoid confusion. They BOTH must be in the SAME shipment to Idaho.

If you are purchasing scales from us, please make sure to select what scales you would like to purchase in the selection above. 

Order your rescale service by clicking on the “Add To Cart” button above, select your choice of return shipping during “Checkout” and print out the final “Order Verification” page. Send the printed-out page along with your razor AND scales to:

Classic Shaving
Re-Scale Service
130 McGhee Rd. Suite 100
Sandpoint, ID.

Your razor will be in the repair shop for 5-10 business days. After the service is complete we will return your razor directly to you via the mail service you have chosen at checkout. 

Please enter any additional information you feel we may need in the Memo Box, or the Customer Comments section on the Check Out page.

Additional information

Choose Your Material

No Thank You, I'll Send My Own, White Acrylic Pearlex ($10), Rosewood ($20), Carbon Fiber ($25)

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